Deworming, tick & flea treatment

When should you start

Deworming your puppy or kitten

Most puppies and kittens are born with worms that take from their mothers, either through milk or through the placenta.

For this reason you must start deworming treatment for your puppies or kittens quite soon, preferably at the age of two weeks.

Deworming is a quite simple procedure, however if you are a relatively new, non experienced owner, at Staris Veterinary Clinic we will be glad to include a demonstration for puppy deworming at our clinic.

Never forget for your pets

Tick & flea treatment

It is important to mention that some worms (tapeworms) enter your pets through fleas. So to stop your dog or cat from contracting tapeworms you should also provide them with effective flea prevention treatment.

How often do you have to

Deworm your dog or cat?

It is very important to emphasize that worm treatment kills only the adult worms in your dog or cat, not their eggs or larvae. So dogs and cats have to be often treated for worms.

We recommend that you deworm your dog or cat according to the following regime:

  • start treatment at 2 weeks
  • continue every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age (that means you must deworm your puppy or kitten at 2, 4, 6, 8,10 and 12 weeks)
  • continue deworming pet for life every 3 months

What is the best

Deworming medicine for your dog or cat?

For puppies and kittens usually we use a deworming paste that is given orally. After they become 6 weeks old we could also use a topical product (liquid applied to the back of the neck).

For dogs and cats the most common forms are:

  • Chewable tablets (small flavoured tablets): They cover against intestinal worms when given every 3 months.
  • Topical products (liquid applied to the back of the neck): It covers against fleas and ticks as well as intestinal worms. It is a great alternative for dogs and cats that are difficult to give a tablet to.

What is the best

Flea & tick treatment for your dog and cat?

There are a lot of flea treatments available today, but not all of them are suitable for all animals.

At Staris Veterinary Clinic we can advise you on which treatment is most suitable for your pet’s species, breed and size and actual needs, as well as how you can protect yourselves from getting infected.

The effective options for flea and tick treatment in dogs and cats are:

These kill adult fleas, stopping the lifecycle completely. They also kill fleas which jump onto your pet when outside the household. They are given every one or every three months. Some pills and tablets kill only fleas, but most of them kill both fleas and ticks.

Most of these kill adult fleas, so stop the lifecycle completely. They also kill fleas which jump onto your pet when outside the household. Only some of them kill flea larvae. Spot ons are applied to the back of the dog or cat’s neck. Most of them are given once a month and only some of them every three months.

Flea collars repel fleas and cause them to die or move to the tail and fall off. Some collars emit active ingredients that also kill fleas and ticks on contact. These collars can last up to 8 months, and they’re more affordable than the other available treatments. However, pest collars are more effective at combating ticks than fleas, because the collars rest around the dog’s or cat’s neck. So if ticks is a bigger problem for your pet, than a collar can be a great option. Also, they cannot treat an infestation, they are effective at preventing flea infestation instead.

Do you have questions?

We are here to help you

At Staris Veterinary Clinic we can determine the right product for your pet, depending on its age, lifestyle and living environment.

The dose of the wormer given to your dog or cat depends on your pet’s weight. By regularly visit our clinic we can weight in regular intervals your animal to make sure that it gets the correct dose.

About us

Staris Veterinary Clinic is an animal veterinary clinic in Agios Dometios, Nicosia. The clinic combines highly scientific knowledge, modern and high technology equipment and great love and commitment for animals.

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Emergency Cases

27 Prigkipos Karolou st, 2373, Agios Dometios, Nicosia 

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